Sunday, January 5, 2025

The Brushwizard Year in Review 2024

Hey everybody, its been a long time. Life has been wild and I once again neglected my little corner of the internet here. But things have been interesting and productive! This year the ol' Marvel: Crisis Protocol addiction has once again fully overtaken my hobby time. I've done a bunch of terrain work, and a massive amount of character painting. But the biggest news, and the thing that got me writing again, I joined up with Goonhammer as a Marvel: Crisis Protocol contributor! I've mainly been focusing on painting tutorials, but I've also started dipping my toes into write ups of the MCP Ultimate Encounter scenarios.

I have a boat load of things to talk about and I'm planning to write more in depth articles for some of the terrain projects soon as well. So let's get to it and see what magic I've been up to.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Stay Tuned, True Believers!

Oh boy, it's been well over a year since I last posted anything to the ol' blog. Shame, shame. But while I haven't been posting any new content to this little ol' site, I have been anything but idle. In the year plus since I started playing Marvel Crisis Protocol I've become something of a terrain hoarder. 

Previously, I shared an article explaining my plans to build custom boards that interconnect with each other as well as an industrial board that featured many shipping containers. Well, that whole idea was a bit too large and it wasn't really something I could make a reality (at this time). Instead, I started working on individual terrain sets that I can use with premade gaming mats. 

The goal moving forward is to share indepth looks at each of these terrain sets, posting articles about scratch building some of their components, with instructions and even sharing pictures of the various characters I've finished painting.

I hope to get rolling on this all very soon now that life has settled down a little bit. So stay tuned!

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Crisis Protocol - Shipping and Receiving

 I've been playing around with ideas for the city boards project and I've decided that it'll be best if I start with the Industrial sector first. This will allow me to get the hang of techniques and since the elevated train set is supposed to go on this board I feel like there's already progress being made. 

So with that in mind, I started scouting out the industrial areas of Spider-Man Remastered on PS5, looking around the shipping docks and warehouse areas for some inspiration. I think I've decided on a plan of attack now. 

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Crisis Protocol - City Planning

In my previous update, I had mentioned that I was working with my FLGS on getting Marvel Crisis Protocol gaming days going at the shop. This has sparked the need to design a table layout that would work either as four individual play areas for game days or as a connected mega table for special events.

 For my current games, I've been using a city streets map from Mats by Mars, which is really cool and is marked with positions where tokens are supposed to be placed. So it makes set up easy, but players need to be able to measure their token placement properly for games that don't use these style mats, and it feels like it has actually hindered my learning of the game as far as token placement goes.

Also, if you've been around for awhile, you know that I like to dream big and that it was only a matter of time before I started looking at modeling opportunities. When we started talking about having gaming days at my FLGS, and I started working on a collection of terrain to bring to the shop, the time had come.